Road to Wapatomica by Bob Hunter

By Bob Hunter

Road to Wapatomica

Looking for history on our streets and street corners, in our parks and even in our backyards, Bob Hunter sets out on a journey across the Midwest in search of memorable moments from the days of the Old Northwest.

Sports Journalist and Author

Bob Hunter

Bob Hunter is the author of eleven books including Players, Teams and Stadium Ghosts, Bob Hunter on Sports, a collection of some of his columns from his more than 40 years at the Columbus Dispatch.

Bob in the Ohio Stadium Pressbox

Bob’s Other Books

Chic by Bob Hunter

Players, Teams and Stadium Ghosts

A Hall of Fame collection of Bob’s best writing from the Columbus Dispatch.

A Historical Guidebook to Old Columbus by Bob Hunter

A Historical Guidebook to Old Columbus

Finding the past in the present in Ohio’s capital city

Saint Woody by Bob Hunter

Saint Woody

The History and Fanaticism of Ohio State Football 

Thurberville by Bob Hunter


James Thurber’s Columbus was not today’s Columbus—or even yesterday’s

Bob’s Latest Blog Entries